[STAFF Review] STIMIRON Shopping Report | Long Sleeve T-shirt
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The product I've been waiting for for 2 months has finally arrived~👍️ #STIMIRON ∞ #NORIMITS ∞
— KM♤KB (@masa23kita) August 11, 2022
Feeling comfortable with the special fabric It is comfortable to wear trousers ✨ I will buy it again ✨ pic.twitter.com/pfO82RRe5Y
Yamagishi Pro's new apparel, STIMIRON, has arrived✨ The fabric is extremely soft and comfortable.
— Shimahokke @ muscle training (@simahock) August 11, 2022
If I wear this, I can bench press +20kg lol
No limits to my growth😤
Build muscle until your shirt is tight 💪
#STIMIRON #Muscle training #Diet # Fitnesspic.twitter.com / v8nnMa7Eq5
So this time
- How STIMIRON products are delivered
- Details and textures of the actual product
We will deliver a shopping report by the staff so that you can feel a more realistic atmosphere.
Delivered in a stylish box with logo
This time I ordered "STRETCH LONG SLEEVE –BEIGE" .

It comes in a box like this. Compact & stylish!

When you open the box, you will find a message and signature from Hidemasa Yamagishi! There is no doubt that it will lead to increased motivation for training.
ECO commitment is everywhere
Did you know that STIMIRON is actively working to contribute to the SDGs ? You can get a glimpse of the attention to detail not only in the materials of the wear, but also in the packaging materials.

This is the eco mark attached to the outer box . We support activities to plant trees all over the world to create a cycle of returning the trees consumed in packaging manufacturing to nature.

FSC®︎ certified paper is used for the tag. In order to protect the forest environment, we use forest certified paper that has undergone appropriate forest management .
STIMIRON Long Sleeve T-shirt Real Review
From here, we will deliver a real review of “STRETCH LONG SLEEVE –BEIGE”.
Reliable quality made in Japan

Tough and stylish design that can be used for both training and daily wear

There is a casual brand logo on the neck. The attention to detail shines even in the invisible parts.

Versatile plastic bag with logo

The wear will be delivered in a zipped plastic bag with the STIMIRON logo. The bag can be used depending on the idea, such as for subdividing when going to the gym, so please use it.
Products introduced in the review
This is the product I reviewed.
✴︎Click here for the product page
How was that? I would appreciate it if you could refer to your shopping.
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